December 15, 2011

The mascara brushes types.

Every make up artist knows the brushes are that certain term of a well done make up. An easy rule is a “the brush takes aim”. What is your target? Maybe, your lashes require only the slightly intensive color on them. But frequently we want something more appreciable, even outstanding: the volume, the length, the curles, and all these properties we want to be combined with a neat eyelash separation. How to just exactly understand what mascara brush you need for your make up aims?

  1. The volume mascara brush. There are two kinds of eyelashes volume: the first is dramatically thick with superior separation towards the ends: and the second is about party-style volume with very thick lashes that nearly cast shadow. The first kind of eyelash volume looks more natural, and is suitable for dating, going to the theatre or restaurant. The second one is suitable for parties and clubbing. The intensity of the volume effect depends on amount of mascara layers: one layer is more than enough for light everyday looks, and two or even three layers are quite well for special occasions. How does the volume mascara brush appear? It has tight bristles, and the shorter the length of the bristles, the more intense volume we can achieve. The more the length of the bristles of mascara brush, the more separation of eyelashes it would bring us. The skewed brush shapes have the mission to achieve even the short lashes in the corner areas of your eyes.
  2. The long lash mascara brush. The life truth is that only with extending mascara you won’t achieve outstanding effect if your own lashes are really short. To extend lashes extremely you’ll need the mascaras with special formulas, such an additional transparent or white-colored pre-mascara feature with its own brush, or the special fibre in the mascara formulas. With these adds you can achieve even the false lashes effect, but remember, that it takes some efforts to get a professional artist’s skill in using them. So usual extending mascara is more reliable for daily and elegant use. The brush of the extending mascara has light space between bristles. The bristles can be quite thick, than the brush looks like comb.
  3. The curled lash mascara brush. Quite well curved lashes are visually longer and make eyes seem wide opened. Of course there are eyelash curlers, but we always want to make something easier and faster, so aren’t there any well working curling mascaras? One of the secrets of curling mascara is a special formula, but the right brush is a second secret. It should be curved or even round, so it would better make up the short lashes while modeling your eyelashes curl. These brushes usually give enough volume and separation and definition at once.